Zero Tolerance
This was a small part of a much bigger project. I took an editorial class, and the semester long assignment was to recreate a magazine cover to cover. The publication I chose was a heavy metal (surprise) magazine called Zero Tolerance. A lot went into not only this logo, but the project in general. 

The method to this logo was much of the same as my personal logo. It was working from inside out, and then just layering detail. This one wasn’t as detailed or ‘gory’ as my personal logo, because I still wanted it to be somewhat legible. In the end, there were several different colored alternates that were created for theoretical other issues of the magazine, but this one was included for its simplicity. 

The biggest takeaway from this was how a design like this would work on a cover of something other than a metal album. I used the design itself to frame the word ‘magazine’, basically making it a tool of itself, in a way. 

My contribution was a secondary artist, if I had to put a title on it. I didn’t create the original magazine or logo, I just redid it in a way that would fit the style I was trying to achieve.