Personal Logo
This work is a slightly more complicated one to describe. It wasn’t for an assignment but it also kind of was, you see? A few semesters ago, I created a personal logo for myself that, to put it lightly, sucked. It looked like a bastardization of the BMC Switzerland and BMW performance logos. All in all, it didn’t work, it wasn’t my personal style, it just didn’t fit. So, I did something a bit more ‘me’, and created a logo that could pass for a brutal death metal band’s logo. Professionally, I’d use it as a secondary logo and watermark mainly, because it’s unique, and it screams my name, literally and figuratively. 

The way I do my logo creation like this is I find a dividing line between whichever word I’m using, this time my last name, Castaneda, and basically work outwards. I go from a framework of basic lettering and build upon it, adding textures and details until I get it to where it is unreadable. 

Each logo I make has its own set of lessons to learn, and this one is no different. I learned how to recreate styles in my own personal way, and also paying homage to some of my favorite artists and bands. This was another shout out to Mark Riddick while also giving credit to two of my favorite bands and their logos, Cryptopsy and Pathology.